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White gold is made from an alloy of nickel, zinc and copper to increase its malleability. For this reason, some people with nickel allergies cannot wear white gold made in this way, but can opt for jewellery made with other alloys, such as gold-palladium-silver.

To keep your white gold jewellery in good condition, it's important to care for it properly. You can start by using a special cleaning solution or warm water and a soft brush to remove any dirt or dust that has accumulated on your jewellery. It is recommended to avoid wearing gold jewellery while cleaning or using chemicals such as perfume or chlorine-containing solutions. When not wearing gold jewellery, store it in a dry, dark place, such as a drawer or jewellery box, to avoid wear and tear from exposure to air or sunlight. Avoid wearing gold jewellery during sports or strenuous physical activities which can lead to wear or deformation. In addition, check them regularly for any defects or wear and, if necessary, go to a jeweller to have them professionally repaired or cleaned.

White Gold Jewellry - Versatile Accessories

White gold jewellery represents a modern, sophisticated, and extremely versatile choice, suitable for any situation and outfit. Whether you opt for 14K or 18K white gold pieces, simple or adorned with precious stones such as diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds, or with semi-precious stones like tanzanite, jade, or topaz, they will successfully find their place in your personal jewellery collection. You can find a wide range of women's jewellery models in TEILOR stores and online. Explore the collections and choose the pieces that represent you or that you want to gift to your loved ones.

Istoria aurului alb

Aurul alb a apărut în secolul XIX, fiind realizat dintr-un aliaj din aur și alte metale albe, precum paladiul și argintul. Abia în anii 1920, acesta a început să devină tot mai popular, datorită aspectului său similar cu cel al platinei, precum și al prețului mai accesibil. Totodată, asocierea acestuia cu ideea de puritate și inocență a făcut ca aurul alb să fie de multe ori preferat de către cupluri pentru verighetele dorite, dar și pentru seturile de bijuterii purtate de femei în ziua căsătoriei. Astfel, piesele din acest metal au devenit rapid printre cele mai admirate bijuterii.